In this post, we are going to share our Unlimited Spanish review to help you decide which course is the best for you. Learning is a process that is never-ending. Even if you are in your old age you can still learn something. But to learn something one needs to have a passion to learn something new and special. People speak several different languages in this world. There are some languages that are quite popular because either they are used as an international language or they bring in a charm with themselves.
For instance, English is one language that people desire to learn because it is not only an international language but also brings in the unique charm in that particular person. Here we are going to talk about the Unlimited Spanish courses that offer a lot to its students.
Spanish is a wonderful language and there are numerous people who want to learn it. There are several tutors out there who have been teaching this language but they haven’t proved to be as productive as the Unlimited Spanish course proved to be. These tutors take up hundreds of hours and dollars to make people learn this particular language. The reason behind this is the way they teach Spanish to the students. These people focus more on the traditional Spanish learning methods to make you learn the language and they strictly enforce the language rules upon the students.
Unlimited Spanish Review
This way students find it difficult and they try to run away from it. The teaching methods that Oscar use are specially made in a way that will help you to learn Spanish effortlessly. The traditional approach will not help you to learn the language in a short period of time but the method devised by Oscar is going to help you get a natural intuition of how to use the language.
Oscar applies the best and proven techniques to create Unlimited Spanish. Now, thousands of satisfied students can now speak fluently! Let me help you to speak Spanish once and for all. There are a lot of Oscar students who say that he has a unique way to teach Spanish and his lectures are clear, interesting, incisive, adaptable, and complete.

Click here to view more reviews and details!
Unlimited Spanish Courses
There are several such people out there who want to learn Spanish quickly thus they spend quite a few bucks to make sure that they learn the language but still, they are not able to perform well. This is not because you have a fault but actually the issue is that the course is not designed in an effective way. Oscar designs the course in a unique way. He ensures that his courses fulfill the need and desires of all kinds of people thus he decided to divide the Unlimited Spanish course into three types of courses which are stated as follows.
30 Days Crash Spanish Course
The first course that he offers is known as 30 days crash Spanish course. This is the level one course in which you are made to learn the basics of the language. There is no specific requirement that you need to fulfill before becoming a part of this particular course. This is the course designed especially for those who want to learn Spanish in a very limited period of time. This course will help you learn Spanish so that you could survive in an environment where Spanish is used as the mode of communication.
30 Days Spanish course of Unlimited Spanish is designed in such a way that you can learn Spanish even if you do not know a single word of Spanish before. Learning any language is a difficult task because there are several such small elements that need to be taken care of and you cannot figure out where to start from so that you are able to cover up all these features.
This is a course that is going to remove all kinds of doubts in your mind regarding the difficulty level of learning Spanish. This course is specially made for you if you think that Spanish is too difficult because it has hard grammar rules and words that are extremely difficult to pronounce.
Unlimited Spanish 30 Days crash course is the right program for you because this is going to help you learn the language in 30 days. You will learn the fundamentals of the language that are going to help you make up sentences with help of your own intuition. You will be able to learn a lot of vocabulary and expressions of the language so that you could make up new sentences in Spanish and raise your standard. The course includes questions and answers that are going to help you to speak the language from day one.
Click here to download the 30 Days Crash Course!
The Original Unlimited Spanish Course
This is the second course of Unlimited Spanish that is offered by Oscar. This is the second level course that needs you to have a little know-how of the language. If you have learned it in high school or you have spent some time in Spain or you had a Spanish friend whatever the reason is. This course can make you fluent in this particular language. As mentioned above learning never stops even if you are an adult. This is a course specially made to make people learn professional Spanish so that they are able to compete on the international level as well.
The Original Spanish Course will help you to speak Spanish as you speak your native language in your daily life. You will not have to take a moment to translate the phrase mentally and then speak. If you have a basic idea of Spanish and you can understand the language but you are not able to speak it then you should select this particular course because it is going to help you a lot. To opt for this course you need to have some basic learning of the language so that you could excel with the method that Oscar uses.
The time period required for this course will be 20 weeks. But after you will complete this course you will be fluently speaking the language. Unlimited Spanish the original course is going to help you build an extremely solid foundation so that even if you do not practice speaking the language regularly you will be able to remember it forever. Oscar makes sure that he makes the course interesting by adding different unique and interesting stories to it.
This way you will be fully involved in the course as well as you will be able to learn the way the expressions are made, the vocabulary is being used and several other aspects. Whenever you learn a new language it is extremely important to get to know about the fundamentals so that whatever you learn ahead could be held strongly. This course is specially made to make your base strong. The Original Spanish Course also involves the question-answer and the point of view techniques so that you could learn to apply the necessary vocabulary and the expression in an appropriate way.
Click here to download the Original Course!
El Curso Mágico
This is the third and the last course offered by Oscar. This is a level 3 course which means you are bound to pass a level 2 Spanish language course in order to be a part of this course. This is a course that is going to make you speak Spanish just like the native does. This course is specially designed for those who are so passionate about the language that they want to learn Spanish speaking just like the Spanish people. Oscar designed this course in an extremely unique way as you will not require any grammar any textbook or anything to fluently speak this particular language.
You would only have to listen to the videos that Oscar is going to provide you with. These videos will be enriched with pure Spanish vocabulary and expression in a pure Spanish accent that you will not only learn the language you will be able to learn the accent as well. El Curso Mágico is going to suit those who always have tried to learn Spanish but they fail to do so.
Although they know the language they lose confidence while speaking it in front of anyone else. This course is going to help them take their knowledge of the language to a more advanced level. Oscar designed this course in such a way that those taking the course will feel delighted and they will get the confidence to speak the language in whoever they want.
El Curso Mágico is not a simple course it is basically a complete audio system that is particularly designed in such a way so that it can take you by hand and improve your spoken Spanish to an advanced level where you could eve compete at the international level. The course of Unlimited Spanish is based upon the famous Wizard of Oz because it is extremely important to provide rich content when you are learning new things. This is an entertaining story and this story s going to help you a lot in learning the tenses and the expressions.
Click here to downlaod El Curso Mágico!
Unlimited Spanish Course’s Pillars
Although Spanish is not a common language and not in demand people still want to learn it. The major reason that young people come over to learn this language is that they love the language and they want to add it as a resource. Learning new languages is a passion for them and they consider it a useful resource. Some of them come over just to learn the language so that they are able to survive in a Spanish environment.
But whatever the reason is Oscar makes sure he gives the perfect course to you so that you will be able to learn the language easily without considering yourself dumb or saying at the end of the day that this course was rubbish. Now the videos that you are going to get when you will sign up for Oscar’s Unlimited Spanish Course.
How to accumulate Spanish vocabulary?
Vocabulary plays an extremely important role when you are learning a particular language. How we acquire vocabulary is one of the key elements that is going to determine how well we will be able to learn the language. The more words you understand in Spanish, the better you’ll read, listen, write and speak in Spanish. This video is going to prove a lot useful because the vocabulary that you are going to learn here you will apply later when you go ahead in the Unlimited Spanish course.
How to learn Spanish Grammar?
This is the second video that you are going to receive while learning the language. This video is going to give you some ways through which you could effortlessly learn Spanish grammar structures. This video is also going to clarify the concept of grammar in your mind. Grammar is basically a set of rules and regulations that are followed in order to make a sentence that is easily understood. If you will not be able to learn to produce sentences that are grammatically incorrect then there is no use in learning a language as grammar is a significant pillar of a language.
How to learn deeply?
Schools usually try to make the kids learn as much as possible thus they are unable to consolidate it and they learn superficially. But in this video, you will not be bombarded with information because we know that this way people just run away.
How to speak Spanish automatically?
This video is going to contain a fantastic technique through which you will be able to learn to give out answers without thinking. Question & Answer mini-story is the technique that helps to achieve it. By speaking automatically Oscar means that you do not have to think to make up a sentence in your mind and then speak Spanish. You will be able to answer fluently as your answer in your native language.
How to remain motivated?
This is one extremely important factor because people usually get demotivated after a short while. You need to be consistent when you have to learn a new language. This is the video that is going to show the audience several such ways that will allow them to remain motivated to this Unlimited Spanish course.
Download These Powerful Spanish Courses Now!
Another great course for learning Spanish online is the Rocket Spanish course. If you are looking for a Spanish course that betters all areas of your Spanish simultaneously – that is Spanish reading, listening, speaking, and writing – then Rocket Spanish is the course for you.
Click here to start your free account!
I always seem to fizzle out after a short while and can never get past the first 2-3 weeks after starting learning a new language. So, motivation is essential to me and if this program can keep me “in line” I will surely do great. If not, well, I’ve been through that as well. I’ve tried a few programs and products on learning Spanish and Italian and always seem to fail short.
Thanks for mentioning the program and I hope to speak decent Spanish pretty soon. Wish me luck!
Hi Travis, I am agree with you about the power of motivation. However the method you use, will effect your motivation directly. So trying to learn Spanish by reading textbooks is useless and terrible for your motivation. The Unlimited Spanish course uses question & answer stories instead of boring textbooks. You can listen easy stories repeatedly and practice speaking with listen & answer method. So Oscar Pellus is a great teacher to follow. Good luck for your Spanish learning.
Hi, Oscar. I am interested in your course. My goal is to pass the dele b1 level. So, which package should I buy? Level 1+2 or level 2+3. Do I get discount if I buy the 1+2package and then 3.
Hi Randy, if your Spanish level is elementary and beginner, you should start with the 30 Days Crach course. But If you know the bacis Spanish, you can start with the Original Course. Whichever you decide to start, you can get discount if you but two courses at the same time (1+2 or 2+3). You will see the discounted prices at the checkout page. Click here to viwe more details and get started now.
Hey guys, I need to pass the DELE B2, will the original course get me through this or do I need the level 3 course as well? Many thanks
I downloaded the original course but I did not enjoy the wizard if it thing. is there something else